Friday, July 23, 2004

Day +7: Bacterial Infection Developed

The blood culture came back with gram positive cocci (staph/bacteria infection).  The doctors say it's likely due to the cathether.  In addition to Vancomycin, they are giving him Gentamicin to treat the infection.  It'll take some time to resolve itself because Mike still does not have a functioning immune system yet. 

It was also determined that he has hemorragic cystitis (infection of the bladder) and not a urinary tract infection.  The symptoms of the two are very similar.  Mike continues to have frequent and painful urination.  There is also blood in his urine. 

On top of it all, he still runs a low grade fever.   Tylenol continues to be given when his temp goes over 100.4.    Those are the major things...the minor, more tolerable, side effects include dry eyes, nose, mouth and skin, blisters forming on his hands and general fatigue. 

The doctors say that everything he is experiencing is a result of his aggressive radiation and chemo regimine. 

We take each day as it comes and are just grateful that we are given another day. 


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