Thursday, July 15, 2004

A day of rest

Mike has completed his radiation and chemotherapy treatments. The docs will administer some meds today to help prevent graft versus host disease when he gets his transplant.

We are told that he marrow was successfully extracted from the international donor and that it is now on a flight to CA. Stanford should get it tonight and the transplant will take place tomorrow as planned.

Right now Mike is sleeping. They've given him some Benadryl to help with the nausea. Benadryl just knocks him out. He's a little congested and is still sore from the catheter replacement. But otherwise, he fighting on.

Mike's been passing his time watching tapes of the Tour de France. Our friend Bill and my brother in law Kent taped the tour and a Lance Armstrong profile piece. Mike is cheering for Tyler Hamilton. He's even got a Phonak (Tyler's team sponsor) cycling cap on right now. We're looking forward to planning a trip to Europe next year to catch the Tour live.


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