Thursday, July 08, 2004

Radiation Treatments Begin

We had an early start today at 5am. We had to be at the hospital by 6:45am. We didn't sleep that well last night. Mike's still in a lot of pain around his cathetar area and the gauze is saturated with blood. The nurses informed us that the bleeding will occur and will stop when it incision starts to clot.

Today is the first day of his radiation treatments. Mike's getting full body radiation. He stands, strapped in, in a wooden chamber while this massive radiation machine zaps him. He also starts taking a myriad of medications--over 10 different types for helping with nausea, antiboitics for fighting infections, etc. etc. It's a lot of medications and most with varying intake schedules. I was a bit overwhelmed when the nurse was going over everything with me. We're getting so much information on cathetar care, dietary restrictions, medication administration, oral hygiene... Now I know why patients needs a primary caregiver. It's difficult for patients, who are heavily medicated and aren't feeling so well to take care of themselves.

I made some soup for Mike and I for dinner. Half way into his dinner, Mike went to the restroom. From the living room, I could hear him heaving. I rushed to the restroom and I found him hunched over the toilet puking. Afterwards, he cleaned himself up and I cleaned up his vomit. I wish he didn't have to go thru this. I wish I could make him feel better.

Mike's been quite the trooper. He's still his cheery, bright self. He's been taking everything in stride. He's amazing.


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