Monday, July 12, 2004

Taking a break

I'm taking a break and using an internet terminal at the hospital library to enter this blog. Stanford's new Cancer Center was opened in March of this year. It's a nice, bright and airy new facility that we'll be frequenting on a daily basis after he is released from the hospital.

Yesterday, we had a minor setback with Mike's catheter. It got pulled out of his chest a bit and the docs may need to redo the whole thing. We're waiting to hear back from the the docs today to see what they're going to do. Mike was a bit disappointed but I reminded him (and myself) that we're going to go thru a lot of ups and downs during this process and that we have to remain positive throughout it all.

He joking asks if he can change his mind at this point and back out of doing the transplant. It's hard for a guy who has been so physically active his whole life to be confined to a hospital bed for an extended period of time. Physically, it's been hard for Mike. The other day, Mike thanked me for being with him. I told him that I'm going to take care of him now so that he can take care of me for the rest of my life. We both know that we're going to go thru hell in the upcoming months, but the end result is what we have to focus on. The end result is him being cured of the cancer.


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