Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Chemotherapy done

Mike has had two days of chemotherapy (yesterday and today) following his radiation treatments. Considering the circumstances, he's been feeling good--just tired. He's had bouts of diarreah today and a litte nausea. The docs will give him meds to help with both. It's amazing how much a body can endure. Mike's tough as nails. He's been handling everything pretty well so far. I'm so proud of him.

Tomorrow (Thurs) is what the docs call 'a day of rest' where he won't have any chemo or radiation treatments. He will start taking a drug called FK506, which is to help prevent graft versus host disease.

The bone marrow donor is from Taiwan I believe. They will harvest the bone marrow from that donor on Thursday and then have it flown in to CA. Friday is the scheduled day for the transplant where they'll infuse the donor marrow into his body.

Mike's blood type is O+ and the donor's blood type is B+. After the transplant, Mike will assume his donor B+ blood type. Not only that, Mike will also inherit any allergies and stuff that his donor has. For example, if his donor is allergic to peanuts, Mike will also be allergic to peanuts. The docs haven't told us anything about the allergies, if any, that the donor has yet.


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