Thursday, July 22, 2004

Day +6

Early this morning, Mike had a slight fever (100.9 and the nurse gave him a couple of tylenol.  They've added a couple additional antibiotics (Vancomycin and Cefepine) to his drug regimine as well.  These are broad types of antibiotics because, at this time, they don't know what is causing the fever.  They're doing some blood cultures to see what shows up.

He still is having bladder/urination problems.  For that he's taking Pyridium and Ditropan.  The meds causes his urine to be bright orange.  No results yet from his urine culture.   He probably taking over 15 different types of drugs simultaneously.  They have a drug for every ailment.

Last night his platelets fell below 10k, so they had to give him another platelet infusion.  The doctors and nurses are monitoring him around the clock.  He's a little tired this morning from another sleepless night.



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