Friday, July 16, 2004

A long day

It's after 9pm and I just got home from the hospital.  What a long day today has been.  Mike started the day feeling fine, then he got two bags of bone marrow infused into him.  The first at 9:15am the second at 5pm.  After each infusion, he felt horrible.  He had massive stomach cramps, headaches and vomited.  This is the probably the worst he's ever felt.  I pray that the worst is behind us.  The docs think that he's having this reaction because he donor whom he's gotten the marrow is B+ and Mike is O+.  The blood, they say, is fighting it out with one another and could be the cause of his cramps and such.  I don't think they really know why he's feeling so lousy.  Again, I pray the the worst is behind him. 
It's simply heartbreaking to have someone you love so much go thru so much pain.  It's not fair.


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