Friday, July 16, 2004

Morphine is our friend

The first bag of bone marrow was infused into Mike's system.  It took about four hours.  Shortly thereafter he started getting massive stomach cramps.  I've seen Mike in pain before, but not like this.  He says, on a scale of 1-10, his pain was at a 10.  Mike has a really high pain threshold, so if he says he's at a 10 he must seriously be in pain.  The doctors don't think the pain is due to the transplant, but rather from the chemotherapy or the egg salad sandwich he had for lunch.  They took some blood to get tested and did a abdominal xray to check things out.  To ease the pain, they gave him some morphine.  Within 15 minutes, the pain subsided.   The docs will await the results of the blood and xray tests before they administer the second bag of marrow.  The morphine worked quickly and did its job. 
When Mike was pain ridden with stomach cramps, there was nothing I could do but watch and try and comfort him.  I joked with him and told him that that's how I feel every month when I have my period.  He told me not to belittle his pain. 


At July 16, 2004 at 4:19 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

I had no idea a bone marrow transplant could cause so much pain. Pain can be a powerful thing, and it's often hard to understand what another person is feeling. I wish you both all the best.



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