Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Day +5: Another day, another side effect

Another day, another side effect.  We think Mike may have a urinary tract infection or hemorragic cystitis (bladder infection due to high levels of cytoxan).  They took a urine sample to have it tested--the results should come back tomorrow.  He gave himself a morphine shot to help ease the discomfort.  He's frustrated by all the problems that are cropping up.  There is no rest for the weary. 

He's still got the mouth and throat sores.  The TPN that they gave him last night will provide him with nutrients since he cannot eat.  He occasionally drinks a can of Ensure. 

I usually just hang out with Mike in his hospital room.  I cannot do much for him other than provide him with companionship and assist him to/from the bathroom.  With his mouth being sore, he doesn't talk all that much.  We watch the Tour de France tapes and Netflix movies to pass the time.  I have to wear a surgical mask and gown all the time when I'm in the room with him so that exposure to infection is minimized.  I give him light massages on his legs and feet.  I have to be gentle because with his platelets being extremely low, he bruises like a peach. 

Mike's really tough.  All the stuff his body is enduring is brutal.  I know I would not be faring as well.  Even one of his nurses said that she would not undergo a bone marrow transplant knowing what she knows and seeing what she sees.  She says she has a low tolerance for pain and would not be able handle it. 





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