Sunday, July 18, 2004

Day +2

After a rough couple of days, pretty tired and doesn't have much of an appetite.  Eating is torture he says.  This morning Mike had some nose bleeds.  Despite everything, he's doing alright.  He's one tough cookie.  
His white blood cell count (WBC) is .10.   A normal WBC count is between 4,000-11,000.  For bone marrow transplants, the chemo and radiation will drop all his blood counts down to nothing.  In a couple of weeks, the new bone marrow should engraft and then start generating new, healthy blood cells. 
I know many of you would like to talk to Mike on the phone, but he's exhausted and simply talking on the phone takes a ton of effort.  Once he gets some of his energy back, he'll be calling some family and friends.
Continue to send your emails ( do read them to him.  He may not reply to you for a while, but he does like hearing from you.  


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