Thursday, July 29, 2004

C'mon new marrow--start doing your thing!

Today is day +13 post transplant. Mike's white blood cell count is still <0.1. So, no engraftment yet. A nurse says it takes longer for bone marrow to engraft than do stem cells for some reason. It could be another week or so before we see any increase in the cell counts. Whenever Mike's platelet count dip below 10 (which happens every other day or so) he gets a platelet infusion. Mike's still battling his hemorrhagic cystitis, but it seems to be getting a little better. Instead of peeing ever 5-10 minutes, he pees every 15-30 min. His hemroids are still there but it is not giving him as much pain as before. His hands are still blistered and giving him some problems. The TPN has caused his blood sugar level to be too high, so they give him insulin shots to keep it down.

A lot is hitting Mike all at once, but he's handling everything well. I am just so amazed by him each and every day. I know he's feeling lousy, but he doesn't complain or whine about a thing. He's mustering everything he's got to get through this. We have a stationary bike in his room and he was able to get some exercise in today.

People have commented that Mike is lucky to have me in his life, but honestly, it is me who is the lucky one. I simply adore the guy and the past few years have been the very best of my life, despite all of the health challenges. Mike is like no one else I've ever met. Words cannot describe how perfectly beautiful he is inside and out. He has such a pure and gentle soul and lives his life with honesty and integrity. There is no other place I would rather be than right here by his side and I look forward to growing old with him. This will be just one of many chapters in our lifetime together.


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