Thursday, August 19, 2004

Day +33

Mike got a blood transfusion today because his hematocrit level was low. We were watching the news recently and heard about the blood shortage at the blood banks and the need for blood donors. We're fortunate to have had blood when Mike's needed it thus far. He's had quite of bit of platelets and blood transfused in him. I can't imagine what it would be like to need a transfusion and not have a supply of blood available.

During the hospital visit, Mike also got his infusion of the drug DPHG (for prevention of CMV virus) which he'll continue to get for the first 100 days post transplant. He's still taking a bunch of other drugs (as mentioned in his blog the other day) as well.

I'm hoping that the weather cools down a bit. I think we'll invest in an air conditioning unit before next summer rolls around.


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