Friday, September 03, 2004

Day +48

On Wednesday, Mike had another blood transfusion due to low hematocrit and hemoglobin levels. The effects Mike's been feeling of having red blood cell (RBC) counts include fatigue and lightheadedness. We had lab work done today at the hospital and the results showed that the the transfusion did little to increase his RBC counts. In time, these counts should get back to normal ranges on its own. Until then, he'll need to get blood transfusions. Mike also got another magnesium infusion today as well.

WBC= 5.3 (normal 4.0-11.0)
Hemoglobin=10.4 (normal 13.5-17.7)
Hematocrit=29.4 (normal 40.0-52.0)

Things are continuing to move forward and we are nearly half way through our 100 day mark (Phase One).

Thanks for your calls, emails and letters. It keeps us connected to the 'outside' world!


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